Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Journal #12

Jordan Joyce- Drama
Carolina Cancelado- comedy/action/horror
Craig Williams- Editorial


Many doctors are researching cell phones and how they may cause brain cancer. They say ten years of constant cell phone usage leads to brain cancer. Although they are not sure if that is true they do know that cell phones release raditation which is not good for our brains nor the rest of our body.


Video games are here to entertain us. They make us laugh and giggle at ourselves and our friends, especially when we watch them do Wii Yoga. Yes, Wii yoga. Who knew playing a video game could help you get in shape. Video games can also be suspensful such as action and horror video games. However they are also violent and can influence a teen to do something inappropriate.


Magazine editorial is an opinion based writing. They overview articles in the magazine and talk to the readers about the writing in a language they would understand. This magazine's editorial will try to persaude teenagers to see the effects of what they use everyday, such as cell phones, and video games.



Thursday, November 13, 2008

In the News

I think that GM should be saved. It is an American car company. I do not think that they should focus more on saving other companies because if GM fails all the other companies will fail as well, therefore i think that they should focus on GM. It sounds like if GM is saved all the other car companies will survive and be able to pull through. Even if GM fails I don't think the rest of the companies will fail but if we can save GM i think we should. Why let a company die when we can save it? Especially when it is an American car dealership. A lot of people only buy their cars from there because they were made here in the United States and the money is going to us not another country.

Journal #11

My group and I have brainstormed and we are going to write a magazine for teenagers. We have each come up with an idea that we will be writing about in the magazine. Carolina is going to write about video games and I will be writing about cell phones potentially causing cancer. We feel that these topics relate to teenagers more than any other generation. This magazine will be pretty much free writing. We want to write about what teens are intrested in.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

In the News

I think the first thing we must do to save jobs is stablize our economy. If the economy isn't good then we will not need workers because few people are buying goods and products, which means we don't need extra people to work, because we don't have the money to pay them. Once our economy is stable more people will be willing to hire employees because they know people are willing to spend their money.
Another idea that may help people get jobs is to offer better benefits. Because if people have benefits they won't worry about not havign enough money when an emergency arises. they would be more willing to spend their money rather than save it for an emergency. This could have caused our economy to drop.
Possibly bringing the troops home from Iraq. Instead of all our money going to the war overseas it could be spent right here in the United States. Which would give us money to spend and be able to hire people and pay them. I'm sure there are many other reasons to why we cannot hire people right now and what we could do to make it better. But why isn't it getting any better?

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Euthanasia Revised Draft

What is euthanasia? Well “eu” comes from the Greek language that means “good” and “thanatos” means death. It is the intentional killing of a human being for his or her benefit. There is a lot of controversy when it comes to euthanasia and not just for euthanizing a human being. Is it legal? Should it be legal? To what extent is it ok to euthanize and human?
There are only two kinds of euthanasia that are legal. Non-voluntary euthanasia which is when a person is killed and made no request or was gave no consent. For example, a person is on life support and a loved one makes the decision to take them off of life support is non-voluntary euthanasia. The second type of euthanasia that is legal is euthanasia by action; this is intentionally killing a person by giving them a lethal injection. This type of euthanasia is most common for people on death row. So now that you know which types of euthanasia are legal, should they be?
Euthanasia is a very controversial subject. Some people believe that no matter what euthanasia should not be legal, while others believe it should be. People who are against euthanasia are generally firm believers in God and think that he is the only one who should be able to decide when the life of someone should be taken. Those who believe euthanasia should be legal usually do so because of the death penalty. It is the first thing that comes to their mind and say, “If that person took the life of an innocent person, theirs should be taken too” or “an eye for an eye.” Along with that they also say stuff like, “It’s cheaper to kill someone than to keep them alive for the rest of their lives.” That is a false statement; it is cheaper to keep someone alive for the rest of their life than to kill them. Well now that you know why humans believe or don’t believe in euthanasia when it comes to humans, what about animals?
It’s legal to euthanize a horse, dog, cat, and any other type of animal, but when it comes to euthanizing a human being it’s a big controversial issue. We don’t let our animals suffer. If the horse has a broken leg, if the dog or cat has cancer, we put them down. We do not let them suffer. We cannot stand to see them in pain. But we sit back and watch our loved ones die in agony, some of the most painful deaths. I’m not saying make every type of euthanasia legal, but we let our pets have a peaceful death, shouldn’t our loved ones too?
I think there is only one type of euthanasia that should be legal. Voluntary euthanasia is when the person who was killed has requested to be killed. It should only be done if the person has been told that they do not have much time left to live, they are in excruciating pain, and the doctor feels that they are competent enough to make their own decision. If the patient does not fit into all of these reasons euthanasia should be out of the question. As far as non-voluntary euthanasia, I do not believe in it because you are taking a life without their consent. I think the only person in the world who can decide when to take a life is God and on the extreme occasion of being terminally ill, a person should be able to decide whether they want to live or die. I don’t believe euthanasia by action is appropriate either. Yes, they committed a brutal crime and they should be punished for it, but not by taking their life even if they took another person’s life. I don’t believe you’re doing any good by taking their life; you’re probably just putting them out of their misery but not letting them sit in jail for the rest of their lives. Besides if it is cheaper to keep them alive, why not? Why go and spend money to kill them when it’s cheaper to keep them alive?
Personally I think people need to research the facts instead of just saying, “Kill somebody that should definitely be illegal.” People jump to conclusions not knowing the facts. I think it’s a simple decision after reading about euthanasia. If it’s not voluntary euthanasia, its murder.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

In the News

Presidential Election

I believe Obama won this election because he advertised more and got his name out there. He also has a very good cause. I think Obama was more popular than McCain because he is a young African American who grew up poor, he was raised by his grandmother, and he can releate to a lot of people. To me the biggest difference in this election was our economy and the fact that we are at war. Everyone wanted to know what the Presidential candidates were going to do about the stock market and if we are going to stay over seas or come home. I believe Obama got so much support from young voters because so many of us are in college and he promises that for low income students he will make college more affordable.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Journal #10

act: people are tanning in the sun or in tanning booths.

actor: people at all ages tan

scene: people tan at the beach and the pool. (probably the most common) Also you will find people tanning in tanning salons, which have become very popular lately.

agency: tanning bed are used as well as the sun.

purpose: people tan themselves because it is the new look. they believe being tan is being pretty.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Journal #9

1. This picture claims that on your 18th birthday you can go away to war but you are not aloud to drink alcohol.
2. This picture shows this is true because the war side of the picture has a thumbs up whereas the drinking side of the picture has a thumbs down.
3. I think that you should be able to go off to war and fight for your country at the age of 18. However, I don't think that any 18 year old, although an adult should be able to drink. I don't believe any 18 year old is wise enough to make a decision and I think they still have a lot of growing up to do.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Lightman and Gloud Question's

1. Yes, I do believe that reading the first and last paragraph of an essay gives you a good preview of the article.
2. It is important to know that Lightman is a scientist because he knows a lot more about this subject than an artist or social worker would know about the earth being round or flat. It also tells us he is knowledgeable and we can believe what he is telling us.
3. Lightman is using a lighthearted tone when he talks about conducting his experiments in Greexe because it seemed satisfying. He is serious when he talks about Aristotle being the first person in history to give proof that the earth is round. The effects of his tones showed that he could be humorous but also very serious.
1. To support the theory of evolution Gloud talks about the imperfections of nature. People think that nature should be elegant when in actuality it can be gruesome, but this is what the animals do to survive. Another theory to support evolution is the transitions are often found in fossil records.
2. Gloud talks about Einstein’s theory of gravitation replaced Newton’s apple theory.
3. I have never heard of the Darrow and Bryan trial and by reading about it my understanding was not reduced.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Journal #8

This picture claims that there is not enough social sercurity for everyone. This image show viewers by the safety trampoline that only has enough room for one person, yet there are several people who are falling and depend on the safety net (social security).

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Journal #7

I do not think it makes sense to let children have a mock election, they are too young to understand all the different debates and don't realize the significance of an election. I think the children are getting the ideas from their parents, after all they look up to them. So if they know who their parents are going to vote for they will vote for the same candidate. I don't think its accurate to say that children pick the right candidate for the presidential election because they don't know anything about it. They are voting for who their parents are choosing or who their friend is going to vote for that is sitting next to them. Kids are influenced with their choices. So I don't think children can really predict the future President.

Monday, October 20, 2008

This I Believe- Revised Draft

What is love? Love is many different things, happiness, friendship, fear, luck, feeling emotions and much more. Love makes your heart grow stronger, but I believe it makes your heart grow bigger. For me love is all the above but mostly fear. I remember the day I feared for the life of my father like it was happening all over again. I will never forget that day; it was a Friday March 14, 2008. I was at a softball tournament and had not spoken to anyone in my family the entire day, but I never for one second thought it was because my dad had a stroke that very morning.
I got home around three o’clock in the afternoon and my mom and brother were waiting for me so we could go see my dad in the hospital. As we were driving there I was scared, of what I don’t know. Maybe I was scared that the night before could’ve been the last time I ever saw my father, scared that I never had the relationship that I always wish I had had with him, or scared that he might have another stroke. I should’ve been happy that he was still alive and my mom kept telling me that he was in good spirits, but I wasn’t going to believe her until I saw him for myself.
As we arrived at the hospital I remembered walking up to the entrance of the automatic sliding glass doors and feeling the cool air from the inside send chills down my spine. It wasn’t the feeling you get when you walk outside on a beautiful day in the fall that brightens your day, but a depressed sad feeling. When I walked in, I was cold which made me miserable, and the lights were dim which made me depressed. Then, we finally got up to the fifth floor which was recovery, and as I walked into his room I saw him on his blackberry back at work. He looked up, smiled, and cracked a joke which made us all feel better. We all sat around his bed and talked to him for twenty minutes. Those twenty minutes were the last time our lives would ever be the same. The last twenty minutes that we would that we would not fear for the life of our father, husband, son, brother, and uncle. The stroke he had earlier in the day became increasingly larger. He was quickly rushed down to ICU where he would fight to make it through the night.
The fear of living in the dark is what scared me the most. The doctors and nurses would not tell us anything. At the time we were unaware that he had another stroke, we did not know how large the bleed in his brain was, and we were not sure if the bleed would ever stop. I feared hearing the words “he didn’t make it” they would have been too sudden; I was not ready to let go of my father. I sat in the waiting room thinking of all the good times I had with him. Then I realized I didn’t want to think about what we had but what was to come in the future. But I just became more fearful, I thought of many things, such as, what if he is not here when I graduate high school or college, he may not be around to walk me down the aisle when I get married or to meet his first grandchild. He may not be around to help coach my brother through football season, or to spend retirement traveling the world with my mom.
When you become fearful you never remember the bad times, but only the good times you shared with that person. You realize that although you’ve had your differences you still love them and you always will. My dad is now healthy and I am so happy that I get to spend more time with him and cherish every moment of it. I will still fear for his life every second of every day because I love him.

Journal Entry #7 Orwell

1. Orwell tries to prove his point that the English language is in trouble by blaming our foolish thoughts and bad habits.
2. From the time Orwell wrote this essay I believe the English language has become worse. Many of my teachers will agree with me when I say this because they witness it first hand with the upcoming generations. They would always correct students and say, “Bobby and I not me and Bobby”. Today we have overused shorthand, instead of saying, “got to go, talk to you later” we say, “g2g, ttyl”. Also I receive many text messages with words put together, for example; the word out of combine and form outta. There are many forms of this shorthand which I consider to be a misuse of the English language.
3. I do not agree with all of Orwell’s rules. I think that if you can use a big and intelligent word in a sentence I think you should instead of replacing it with a word a five year old can understand. I think if need be you should also use a scientific word. I believe using words people are unfamiliar with is good for us, because if we don’t understand something we can look it up in the dictionary. I don’t think someone should have to scale down their writing skills or knowledge for someone else when they can simply look something up that they do not understand.
4. When Orwell says you should focus on pictures and sensations before you put words on paper, I think he wants the writer to know what they are describing and describe it in detail as if it were right in front of them and not in their brain. I have focused more on the details while writing a paper and I think that it makes an essay become more alive and realistic. Also I think it keeps the reader interested and makes them feel like they are experiencing it themselves.

Murray Chapter 6 Questions

1. In my euthanasia essay that I wrote I believe my information was well described, but I don’t believe I captured the audience very well overall. I should’ve asked more questions to keep them interested in what I was about to talk about. I could’ve organized my essay better; it went back and forth quite a bit. It did not develop into the essay I thought it would.
2. As I was reading my essay aloud to myself I realized that it was very disheveled and uninteresting. I need to find a better introduction and get more opinions of euthanasia. I interviewed many people but each one had the same opinion about it. Finally, although there are many different types of euthanasia I need to focus on one kind.
3. Yes, Murray telling me who the speaker was grabs my attention and influences how I read and comprehend the quote. When he tells us the speakers name and where they are from I start to think of the heritage and how things are or in another country or day and age. It really helps me grasp the meaning of the quote and that it might have been taken differently a hundred years ago than what it means today.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Re-write This I Believe

What is love? Love is many different things, happiness, friendship, fear, luck, feeling emotions and much more. Love makes your heart grow stronger, but I believe it makes your heart grow bigger. For me love is all the above but mostly fear. I remember the day I feared for the life of my dad like it was happening all over again.
It was Friday March 14, 2008, grad day at universal studios. However, I was not going to grad day because I had a softball tournament. So that morning is when it all began. I woke up at 5:30 a.m. and woke up two of my teammates who had spent the night at my house because I was taking them to the tournament. We left the house at 6:00 a.m. and fifteen minutes later is when it all began. My dad woke up that morning and felt dizzy, he had a sharp pain behind his eye, and the left side of his body went numb. He quickly awakend my mom and told her that he didn’t feel so well and she called 911. The paramedics arrived shortly there after and most of my dads symptoms were gone, but they took him to the emergency room for precautions. The ER doctor ruled it a TIA, (transient ischemic attack) which is a mini stroke.
It was now three o’clock and I was headed back from miami and had not talked to my parents all day. I could not get a hold of my mom nor my dad and knew something was up, because my dad always calls me to ask how my games went and how I did. As soon as I got home I was greeted by my grandparents who were out doing yardwork and I noticed my dad’s car was still in the driveway. I asked my Nana why his car was still in the driveway and she told me he woke up this morning and wasn’t feeling well so I immediately started walking towards his bedroom so I could tell him about my games when my Nana stopped me and said he is not in their, he is at the hospital. My eyes filled with tears rapidly and slowly rolled down my cheeks one by one. My mom walked in the door with my brother, they had gone to get lunch, she told me to shower and that we would go see him after we ate lunch. I had taken the quickest shower of my life and we were soon on our way to the hospital.
When I stepped in his hospital room he was sitting up and already on his blackberry back at work talking to customers. He looked up, smiled, and cracked a joke, I couldn’t even tell he had just had a stroke. We sat and talked to him, but less than twenty minutes later he got the worst headache of his life that would stay for three days. He suddenly got all the symptoms of a stroke again, numbness, headache, dizziness, pain behind his eye, and loss of speech. My mom quickly ran to get his nurse, but she did not arrive for five minutes and no doctor came to help for what felt like an eternity. When the doctor came they brought him down to ICU, but the doctor was to late to witness the symptoms and could not give us an explanation to what just happened. They continued to watch him down in ICU. Eventually, they took him to get an MRI, whiched showed that he had a bleed in his brain. They put him on blood thinners and said that it was the only thing they could do for him. They hoped that the bleed would clot on its own, but in trying to prevent the stroke from getting even larger he had to go on the blood thinners. Now it was sitting and waiting. That night we sat and waited with our family, friends, and my dad’s co-workers. After everyone left I was still their, sitting in the waiting room. I told my mom that I would not leave because they weren’t sure that my dad would make it through the night. She convinced me to let my boyfriend take me home who would not leave my side. But when I got home I could not sleep, I feared the phone rining in the middle of the night. At some point I had cried myself to sleep.
The next morning I woke up and immediately went back to the hospital, but there was no change in my dads condition, they were still unsure whether or not he was going to make it. The bleed in the brain kept getting larger and his headache kept getting worse. We sat all day in the waiting room on Saturday, but it was not till Sunday that my dad starting feeling better. That day I got to see him and talk to him for a while. Its amazing how quickly someone can go down hill. He had trouble moving and couldn’t feed himself very well. I watched him eat and he fed himself like a two year old would. As he finished eating the doctors came in to talk to him and said that if he was still doing well by Monday morning they would do a proceedure on him. It was risky but nessisary. Monday morning rolled around quickly and they did the proceedure. He made it through and the doctors came to the conclusion that plauque from one of his arteries broke off and traveled up to his brain which caused the stroke.
It is now seven months later, he has had another stroke, and he now has a heart monitor in his chest. He has short term memory loss and does not remember the day he had his stroke and the many days after that either. He sometimes walks with a cane because his whole left side in numb. He has come a long way since then. I have always loved my dad, but through this experience I realized that I never want to go a day without my dad. I really appreciate him and everything he has done for me. For this, I believe in love.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Questions for my essay

1. Do you believe in euthanasia? Why or why not? If yes, which kind of euthanasia do you believe in?
2. In the controversy of euthanasia, why do you think it should or should not be legal? How much does religion play a factor in legalizing euthanasia
3. Why is it ok to euthanize an aniamal who cannot tell us wether they want to live or die, but we can’t euthanize a human being who gives their consent?
4. If euthanasia was leagal, when would it be ok to euthanize someone?
5. What don’t you like about my essay? What needs to be changed?
6. What else could I talk about in my essay?
7. When is it and when is it not ok to perform euthanasia?
8. How do you like the way I ended my essay?

Monday, October 6, 2008


What is euthanasia? Well eu comes from the Greek language that means “good” and “thanatos” means death. Euthanasia is the intentional killing of a human being for his or her benefit. This usually occurs when someone is deathly ill, not responding to medical treatment anymore, and in excruciating pain. The most common in passive euthanasia is to deliver high dosages of morphine to the patient which will act as a pain killer and also slow respiration, which will cause death. This person may ask to be killed which is known as voluntary euthanasia. Non voluntary euthanasia is when the person is killed and never requested to be put to death. Assisted suicide is when a person provides information and guidance to help a person commit suicide. Physician assisted suicide is when a doctor helps a person kill themselves. Passive euthanasia is when you remove life support, stopping medical procedures, not helping the person is anyway while he or she is dying. Euthanasia by action is when someone kills another person by giving them a lethal injection; this is usually done in jails when someone is on death row. Euthanasia by omission is killing a person by not providing the proper care, such as food and water. The following are different forms of euthanasia.

How do people respond to euthanasia? When I interviewed people, everyone seemed to be for it, in just about every form. But the most popular is voluntary euthanasia, probably because the person is giving his or her consent to be put to death. When most people think of voluntary euthanasia they think of someone who is terminally ill with n a few days, weeks, or months left to live, and they are in so much pain. To them the pain is not worth being unhappy for the short time they have left to live, so they asked to be put to death. When I asked someone why they think euthanasia should be legal, the person responded, “I think the most difficult thing to do is to watch a person you love dearly in pain because of an incurable disease.” I think many people agree with what she had to say and that’s why many people are for euthanasia. People also believe in euthanasia by action because people who are killed in this type of euthanasia, by lethal injection are usually in jail and on death row. When people think of people being killed in this way they say stuff like, “they must have done something to deserve it” and “an eye for an eye.” But not everyone believes in euthanasia.

Most people don’t believe in assisted suicide, which is giving information and guidance to the person who wants to commit suicide. People don’t feel this is right because according to most religions committing suicide is wrong and if you are healthy enough to live you should. People also say the choice is for God to decide when a person should live and when they should die. They say it’s inhumane, but what about our animals. We don’t let them suffer in pain, we euthanize them usually as soon as we find out they are sick. People also don’t believe in killing by omission for the obvious reasons of letting the person suffer until they die. It is wrong to make people go without food or water for several days till they finally pass. But people don’t all ways suffer in pain when they are being euthanized.

The big controversy over this is should euthanasia be legal. Many people think it should be for the right reasons, such as preventing a person from suffering and dying a horrible death. Others believe that no matter what is happening euthanasia should not be legal. People should be allowed to make their own decision when it’s there life. If you were in their position and knowing you were going to die a slow, painful, and agonizing death, would you ask a doctor to euthanize you so you could be happy and pain free in your final days? Many people would say yes, and ask a doctor to euthanize them because no one wants to be remembered in their final days as helpless and lifeless. People want others to remember them when they were lively, in good spirits, and healthy. But the question will always be up in the air, euthanasia will probably never be legalized in the United States. People should have the right to make their own choices. Isn’t that what America is all about?
http://www.nrlc.org/euthanasia/index.html http://www.religioustolerance.org/euth1.htm

Thursday, October 2, 2008

In the News #6

Trooper says he couldn't avoid suspect with car

I believe the troopers act was intentional and was an act of racism. I have been to South Carolina many times and you can see that white people look down upon black people and treat them differently. I think when the trooper said, "yes, I hit him on purpose" even the sarcasm behind it was not neccessary and he deserves to go to jail for that. I also think it shows some proof that he tried to hit the man on purpose.

I think few cases are known or even noticed when it comes to the people civil rights against any type of police authority because know one wants to get on an officers bad side. If you do and suddenly there's an emergency not only will that officer not be anxious to help you but neither will any others because they all are on the same side.

Yes I think the troopers punishment was resonable, he did something terrible and then turned around and joked about it. That to me says it is intentional and the ten years in prison and 250 community service hours is a good punishment. I think he got off easy because any other person would be in jail for 15-25 years and have a lot more community service hours.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Myth Interview

Do you believe in euthanasia?
Person #1: Yes
Person #2: Yes
Person #3: Yes
Person #1: because I think the most difficult thing is to watch a person you love dearly in pain because of an incurable disease. We do not allow our pets to suffer unnecessarily. And I don’t believe humans should go through that. Its degrading for humans to have to lose their senses its humiliating. And some people beg to be put to death and I think in that case doctors should be able to help.
Person #2: I believe in euthanasia to end the life of a person with a terminal illness when there is absolutely nothing else medically they can do for them.
Person #3: Somebody’s sick and theres nothing you can do to help them until they die put them out of their misery so they don’t have to suffer. People with certain kinds of cancer are in a lot of pain and why make them go through that if they don’t want to.

What is your definition of euthanasia?
Person #1: Putting a person to death to end their suffering from an incurable disease if the person requests.
Person #2: To end the suffering of a person by putting them to death in a humane way.
Person #3: Assisting individuals on their death bed to pass without pain.

How do you think the doctors end their patient’s lives?
Person #1: There is a drug that is injected that stops your heart.
Person #2: By an injection of medication that will stop the heart.
Person #3: The doctors give them an overdose of drugs which will kill them.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

In the News #5

Splenda is everywhere. Many people use splenda on a day to day basis. I however do not use splenda but three of my family members do. My brother who is a diabetic and cannot have real sugar in large portions subsitutes it for splenda. My mother also uses splenda, she puts it in her morning coffee and it is also in her diet sodas that she drinks throughout the day. My nana also uses splenda and she cooks with it when she makes her famous banana cupcakes. I think people use splenda more than they realize it because almost everything contains sugar, which may be the reason splenda is getting so much publicity.

I think it's good that splenda is getting a lot of publicity, because this may help people realize that fake sugar is not the answer. If people just use real sugar in smaller portions we wouldn't have this problem. Splenda doesn't affect me health wise, but it does affect me because so many of my family members use it and I know that it is not good for them. I do not think this will help the good bacteria, I don't think splenda helps us at all. I don't think moderation is the key. If something is bad for you, you shouldn't eat it plain and simple. If you try to watch your intake of something that's good but over time it'll catch up to you so I don't think moderation is the key to anything unhealthy.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Inheritance of tools

1. When sanders gives details about building a wall I can clearly visualize what he is doing in each step and yes, I think each concept is clearly defined. I think he needs to describe each step because it shows us the readers what his father instilled in him and the inheritance of his tools.

2. Sanders doesn’t go in chronological order, he starts this essay with the morning his dad died and flashes back to when he was younger. When his father and grandfather would tell him stories about the tools in their family. The hammer definitely connects different times in his life. He talks about having to replace the head of the hammer several times.

3.Dawn stones are unworked rocks that served as hammers. I think dawn stones represent his ancestors to him and that not much has changed when it comes to hammers. They are still used for some of the same things.
1. Syfers describes wives duties as doing the house work, such as cooking dinner and cleaning the house. Taking care of the children, making sure they got to school, caring for them when they are sick. She wanted a wife to keep track of her schedule as well as her children’s schedule. For the most part I think these duties are still done by women today. Although I do think men are starting to take on a bigger role within the family. I think that men have really stepped up around the house and with the children. They help with the cleaning such as doing the dishes. They also cook and help with the kids, giving them baths and putting them to bed.

2. I would describe Syfers writing style as repetitive. She is continuously repeats herself when she talks about house work and her children. I would try not to repeat myself so much and get readers to sympathize for me and the rest of the housewives.

3. Nowadays I see that it is expected for women to not only have a career but also to take care of the family and clean the house. Personally I think men benefit from injustice in the world today. Even though they work and are typically the bread winners they don’t do most of the chores women do around the house and they don’t play as big of a role with raising the children.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

In the New #4 (response)

I think children should be tested for the gene of cancers. I don't think they should be tested at a young age but I think by the age of 15 or 16 girls should be checked for brest cancer and ovarian cancer. I believe this because it may motivate them to take better care of themselves, for example; they may not smoke, drink, or take birth control pills. Although birth control pills help to prevent ovarian cancer, it also increases your risk of brest cancer. There are other ways to prevent ovarian cancer such as obstain from sex or get the gardasil shot. To prevent brest cancer you can take care of yourself by not drinking or smoking. So I think letting your children know that they have this gene mutation is a good thing because they can learn ways to help prevent cancer.

The 6 myths of creativity

1. The first myth is creativity; you must be creative. It is important as an advertiser or marketer that you are creative to get people’s attention. The second myth, Money is a creativity motivator; you must be creative with your ideas. You want something no one else has thought of. That’s where you’ll make your money. Time pressure fuels creativity, the third myth people need time to come up with creative ideas. Given time and isolation may help you come up with a brilliant idea. The fourth myth, fear forces breakthroughs; talks about what emotions may create creativity. The fifth myth, competition beats collaboration; if you are competing with other companies that may not be good for your business instead you should collaborate with your competition. The last myth, streamlined organization is a creative organization, this talks about downsizing. If you are not carful creativity can be lost in this process but in order to avoid this you should be organized.
2. Teresa Amabile designed her research by working with PhD graduates and managers from a variety of companies. She read their journal entry ideas, which was around 12,000. These 238 people from seven different companies were working on creative projects.
3. Bill Breen’s article’s intended audience is for managers and entrepreneur’s because this article talks about creativity, money, time, fear, competition, and being organized. Personally I think this article can be for anyone, such as, first time home buyers, college students, anyone who is dealing with money.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Journal Entry #4

1. When Bartholomae said that students must “invent the university” I believe he means whatever you write an essay on you should research the area of the topic. This is so you can learn the terminology and be able to write like you are a professional in the area of interest. They should almost be an expert in the language that they will write about. Also, I think he means research, study, and write like you are the expert of the topic you chose to write about.

2. Bartholomae suggests a way for students to become “insiders” within academic discourse by speaking. Making us, “the students” believe that we are the reason for something new. Also, by becoming involved in activities and sharing your ideas and beliefs. For new students it might be helpful to broaden your horizon

3. Bartholomae’s first example, says that the student must learn and research their topic of interest. They must learn it so well that it appears they are a professional when they write about their topic. His second example of writing says students should become insiders and learn in the environment. They’ll learn by participating instead of researching.

In the News #4

By MARILYNN MARCHIONE, AP Medical Writer Sun Sep 21, 5:48 PM ET
CHICAGO - Women are going for breast cancer gene testing in record numbers, forcing more parents to face a tough question: Should we test the kids?

About 100,000 tests for breast cancer gene mutations were done last year, double the number in 2005. The trend may grow even more because of widening insurance coverage and a new law banning genetic discrimination.
Medical experts advise against such testing before age 25, saying that little can be done to prevent or screen for breast or ovarian cancer until then, so the knowledge would only cause needless worry.
However, new studies and interviews by The Associated Press show that many people who have BRCA gene mutations — and even more of their offspring — disagree. Cornell University freshman Jenna Stoller is one.
"I'm the kind of person that, like my mom, am more comfortable knowing something about myself than not knowing," said Stoller, who tested positive earlier this year, shortly after her 18th birthday. Her mother made her wait five years after revealing her own positive test result, even though Jenna wanted to be tested at age 13.
"I remember thinking on my 17th birthday that I had another year to wait till I could make the decision for myself," she said.
Research also shows there can be benefits to at least talking about testing and inherited cancer risks with teens. It led some to quit smoking, one study found. Others, like Stoller, were advised to limit alcohol and avoid birth control pills, which can raise the risk of breast cancer though they also lower the risk of ovarian cancer.
A decade after BRCA testing began, researchers are just starting to discover the many effects that someone's positive test can have on other family members. A big issue is whether it is ethical or good to test minors.
"I've seen a fair number of parents in clinic who have really struggled with this question," said Dr. Angela Bradbury, a breast cancer specialist at Fox Chase Cancer Center in Philadelphia who has led several studies on the topic.
Myriad Genetics Inc., based in Salt Lake City, sells the only BRCA gene test, which costs up to $3,000.
Men can also carry a BRCA mutation, and if either parent does, a child has a 50-50 chance of inheriting it. The mutations are most common in people of eastern European Jewish descent.
Women with a faulty gene have a three to seven times greater risk of developing breast cancer and a higher risk of ovarian cancer. Men have more risk of prostate, pancreatic and other types of cancer.
To lower risk, women can consider anti-estrogen drugs or having their breasts or ovaries removed. But these drastic measures are not advised for very young women. Even mammograms are not advised till age 25, because cancer is rare before then.
So the American Society of Clinical Oncology and other groups say that when the risk of childhood cancer is low and nothing can be done to lower it, children should not be given gene tests.
"The rule is, do no harm — test only if you can offer something that will help," said Mary-Claire King, the University of Washington scientist who in 1990 discovered the first breast cancer predisposition gene, BRCA-1.
"The life of a young girl is complicated enough already. There is nothing about it that needs to change" if she carries one of these genes, King said.
But some parents are testing girls before they even have breasts, let alone cancer risk. One woman had her 4-year-old daughter tested, said Sue Friedman, executive director of FORCE: Facing Our Risk of Cancer Empowered, a Tampa-based support group for people with BRCA genes.
Another woman tested two very young children several years ago at Baptist Health South Florida in Miami.
"We wanted to know — it's as simple as that," she said. "Kids are born with all kinds of defects that parents have to make decisions about. I just think this is one of those things," said the woman, who spoke on condition of anonymity because of privacy concerns for her children.
Rae Wruble, a nurse and genetics adviser at Baptist Health, said this woman was the only one in more than 900 she has counseled who chose to test very young children. Wruble said she always tells patients that cancer groups recommend against testing minors and why. But she admitted: "If I had young children, I would have tested them because that's just the kind of person I am — I would want to know."
Most parents do not peek inside their child's gene toolbox, Friedman said. "It does deny the actual patient informed consent."
"I feel very strongly that people should not test their children, but children should make their own decision," said Jill Stoller, a New Jersey pediatrician who is the mother of Jenna, the Cornell student.
Jenna had hours of counseling before doctors agreed that for her, testing was the right choice. However, Jennifer Scalia Wilbur, a counselor at Women and Infants Hospital in Providence, R.I., told of a 19-year-old who had testing without counseling and now wants to remove her breasts and not have children.
"It was extremely distressing" to talk with her now and try to correct her overly dire outlook, she said.
At a meeting of the oncology society in June, Bradbury reported on a survey she did of 163 adult BRCA gene carriers in the Chicago area. About half supported testing minors in some or all circumstances. A previous survey she led of 53 gene carriers and 22 of their offspring (ages 18 to 25) found about the same degree of support. Most sons and daughters favored testing minors.
Another of her studies, recently published in the American Journal of Medical Genetics, explored how sons and daughters ages 18 to 25 were affected by learning that a parent had tested positive.
Some effects were good — five of the seven smokers said they were motivated to quit.
Most said the knowledge had no big negative effect, but six of the 22 said they felt frightened or disturbed.
"I was shocked, scared. I wondered if I was going to get the gene and realized I could pass it to my (future) kids. I would feel like it was my fault if they got cancer," one daughter said in the survey.
Two sons said the knowledge might change their plans to have children. Five daughters and two sons had already gone for gene testing, and nearly all of the rest said they planned to be tested.
Wanting to test minors can be a knee-jerk response that changes after counseling. Tammy LeVasseur of North Attleboro, Mass., at first thought she wanted all three of her daughters to be tested after she learned of her own positive result in July.
She later decided to encourage testing for her two oldest daughters, ages 26 and 28, who had already finished having children, but not for Jessica, who just turned 17.
"I want to wait until I'm in my 20s," Jessica LeVasseur said. "They wouldn't do anything about it. There's no reason to worry now. I'd rather just be able to finish my teenage years without worrying about that."

Do you think parents should test their children for cancers such as brest cancer and ovarian cancer?

Thursday, September 18, 2008

This I Believe - Introduction #2

What is love? I can’t tell you the definition or what it is because to everyone love is different, but to me love is an experience like no other. I can feel the way my boyfriend loves me when he grabs my hand, kisses my forehead, and wraps his arms around me. I can see the way he loves me when I hear him tell his friends about me while I’m on the phone with him. I see that he is not afraid to show others how much he cares for me. He treats me like a princess and tells me I’m perfect. But I can really see how much he loves me when he talks about the time we met and when we are done reminiscing about that night he just looks me in the eyes and smiles. He doesn’t have to say another word because I know exactly what he is thinking.

In the News #3


Cloning is ok by me if you are cloning an idividual or an animal. But if you are going to clone something you must be willing to take care of it and not treat it the same as its clone. They are different, they won't have the same personality or intelligence as the one you cloned it from because they are two different people or two different animals. Just because you clone a human being or an animal doesn't make them any less alive than the rest of us. So my answer to your question, I do not think eymbryo cloning should be aloud for stem cell research.

To me cloning an eymbryo just to kill it to further stem cell research is much worse than abortion because you are saying, "well it's okay to clone your eymbryo and kill it because you will still have your baby and this other eymbryo will be identical in every way." When really this is not true and the eymbryo you cloned is no less alive once you clone it. You are taking an innocent life. I do not agree with cloning just for stem cell research. So if they want to do stem cell research they should use immature cells that they know will never fully develop so they are not taking an innocent life.

Monday, September 15, 2008

This I Believe- Rough Draft

What is love? How do you know when you are in love? Or when someone is in love with you? How are you supposed to know if someone is “the one” for you? I cannot give you the answers to these questions and I don’t think many people can, but I can tell you my opinion and what it feels like to be in love. For me love is almost impossible to explain. In my eyes love is having trust in the one you love, and knowing that you are in love when you cannot live without them. It is such a wonderful feeling that everyone should be able to experience.
I remember the day I met my first and only love. Come to think of it that day almost never happened and I just look back and thank God. It was a Wednesday, November 7, 2007 to be exact. That night was a special night for seniors only, “Senior Movie Night” a tradition at Saint Thomas Aquinas where I attended high school. But that morning we were in lock down because there was a murderer on the loose running around the school campus. It looked as if senior movie night was to be cancelled but just before school ended the police caught the killer and the senior class was thrilled. I thought nothing of it at the time, but now I just thank God. I thank God for that night, the night I met my boyfriend, Cory.
It was a cool night; all the seniors were coming in with pillows, blankets, sleeping bags, chairs, and even a couch. My best friend Courtney and I already had our stuff set up. She played a huge part in hooking Cory and I up together. But she is not the reason I met him. I knew Cory’s best friend Steven because we went to the basketball games junior year and that’s where I met him. So Steven came up to give me a hug, while Cory followed him with a huge plate of food. Little did I know that Cory knew my best friend, which was good for me because she was the middle man between the two of us. I would tell her things that I thought about him and she would tell him even though I asked her not to, but I can’t say that I’m mad at her for that. At the end of the night he leaned over and asked me for my number. I couldn’t resist his amazing body and heartwarming smile. So I of course said yes and immediately asked him for his number.
Over the next few days we talked a lot. We found out that we had a lot in common. For example, he played baseball and I played softball, we were both centerfielders, and we both were number two. We each had a younger brother and they were the same age. Family is extremely important to the two of us. From talking to him for a couple of days, I knew that I wanted to go out on a date with him but there was a problem. Cory traveled on weekends to play baseball up until Thanksgiving. So until then we ate breakfast together in the morning before school and talked at night over the phone. I thought the day would never come when he asked me out on a date. But he did and we had our first date on December 1, 2007. He had a really nice evening planned for the two of us, dinner and a movie. He told me he was going to take me out to dinner at Cheesecake Factory and then we would go see the movie awake. It was a nice night despite the bad food and not so great movie. The night ended early but it would only be a week before we went on another date. This date was special, December 8, 2007. He asked me to come over his house to meet his family and celebrate his grandfather’s birthday with him and his family. It wasn’t just immediate family; there was grandma and grandpa, mom and dad, aunts and uncles, siblings and cousins. So as I pulled up in front of his house he was there waiting for me with his baby cousin Emily in his arms. I walked up to him and gave him a hug and he said to me before we go inside I want to make it official, “will you be my girlfriend?” he asked me. I said yes, and we proceeded inside to meet his family.
It has been over nine months since that night and every day I find myself loving him more and more with each passing day. I believe our love was meant to be.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

In the News #2

Bush's Border Fence Faces More Trouble

I would give the Bush administration the $400 million dollars they need to complete the rest of the fence. I think it is important especially after 9/11 to keep terrorist out of the United States. Unfortunately there are many other ways terrorist can enter our country. Also I think putting in surveillance technology is important as well. We really need to be careful on who is coming into our country these days.

As far as the families having to give up their homes to build the rest of this fence, I believe they should do it. The government is going to buy their land and homes from them so they will have money to go buy another house, it's not like they'll be living out on the streets. So if they really cared about our country I think they would be willing to give up their homes and land.

Also they have to get court orders to build on certain lands. Again I think if anyone cared about our country they would let the government build the fence and do what they can to protect us. Instead of always bashing the government maybe we should listen to them because they know more than we do as far as what other countries are plotting against us, or where terrorist may be coming from.

In my opinion I think the fence is a necessity for the safety of our country. I also realize that terrorist and other people who want to come to the United States will find other ways to enter the country. So we should also find other ways to protect ourselves, cause lets face it, a fence isn't going to keep out everyone.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

"The Case Against Chores"

1. Smiley changed her beliefs about chores when she was a child because she never had to do any chores. She said this when she was talking about her mother and grandmother, she said that she was never expected to lift a figure because her mother and grandmother did it for her. I don’t think if she wrote that somewhere else in the essay it really would’ve affected me.

2. Kids won’t do a good job if you make them do something they don’t want to or are not interested in. It’s not going to help them become hard workers, if you want to instill hard working into them, get them something they are going to want to take care of. Yes, I do consider these reasons authoritative. I think her intended audience was parents, trying to explain to them that a kid isn’t going to do something they don’t want to with a whole lot of effort.

3. She asks her reader’s questions to keep them interested in the essay. She also wants them to become involved in her writing. I agree with her questions I don’t want to be loved by how much work I do around the house.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Journal Entry #2

I chose an essay about children and another essay about love. I chose these two topics because I am lucky enough to have already found love and one day I hope to lucky enough to have children. When I read the introduction on the essay about children, I could picture myself being the mother two those children. The second essay was about love. So if I could have any two things in life one would be having somebody to love and the other one would be being a mother to a child.
A mother tells a story about the hardships she has overcome. From 9/11 to a friend committing suicide, and her father being diagnosed with cancer. But when she was down and couldn’t lift her spirits her children were there for her. They told her she looked like a movie star and that simple comment could lift someone’s spirits just like it lifted hers. The second essay was about love, love for a four month old baby girl. She was diagnosed with cystic fibroses shortly after birth. This story is about hard times and the blindness of what the future holds. Not knowing how much longer you will have with your daughter. She cherishes everyday she can spend with her and looks forward to the terrible two’s because that means that her daughter lived to be two. She looks forward to her teen years because it means she can share more love with her daughter.
These essays are similar because they both show the effect children have on us and how much love one person can feel for another. You will have happy moments in life and there will be sad moments in life. These essays don’t really differ. They both deal with sufferings but love is what gets them through the hard times.
The essay on love followed the guidelines by “This I believe”. It was short to the point, positive, and it told a touching story. The essay on children was not very positive. It was depressing throughout the essay. But it really makes you think; well how lucky could I be to have two beautiful boys who love me and a trusting husband.
For project one I would like to write about love. Love is so many different things, it’s getting hurt, being happy, trusting others, and compromising. When you find love you can’t experience anything better. The way it makes you feel and the way you feel for someone else is indescribable.



Chapter 1; Powell and Goldberg

My American Journey

1. While writing this essay I think Powell's purpose was to encourage his readers to never give up at any point in their life. For example, Powell talked about the college he went too CCNY and the college his sister went too Buffalo State Teacher College vs. Harvard and Priceton. I believe his point was to tell his readers that even if you cannot afford to go to these colleges or perhaps you can't get in to an ivy league school it will never make you any less successful than the people who do attend colleges like Harvard and Princeton. Another example that he talks about in the reading is the time when the Army stationed him in Georgia. Powel went to a drive thru restaurant and the waitress came up to his car and said she could not serve him. Powel knew it was because of his color, so he strived even harder to succeed.

2. I don't think Powell was directing his essay to any specific group, just minorities in general. I would recommend this reading to anyone who is against the odds. It is very inspirational and may give people hope that better times are to come.

3. Powell is a talented and inspirational writer. He is a determined person and you can see this through his essay. I have never heard of him before so I can't say that this essay has changed my opinion of him but it has certainly influenced me.

Writing Is Not a McDonald's Hamburger

1. I think Goldberg's purpose was to get us to write down our feeling on paper, express ourselves and not to hold anything back. Through this process we will teach ourselves how to become better writers. I think Goldberg shows this when she tells you to write and let go of everything, it may come slowly and be awkward at times but eventually you will get the hang of it and it'll be like second nature.

2. I believe she was targeting an audience who has trouble expressing their feelings to others, so maybe getting them to write on paper first that will help express their true feelings to themselves first. Anyone who is going through a rough time may benefit from this reading. It may simply help them grieve. I don't think this essay would benefit people who like to share their feelings, it might help people to talk to others and express their feelings to someone else rather than to sit down and write it out on paper.

3. Her subject is writing and how important it is in life. No matter where you go in life you will always have to write, from school, to your job, or even just for fun. As she talks about it you can tell that it not only is a necessity but also a way of expressing yourself.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Journal Entry #1

Journal Entry #1

One day I was looking for scholarships for school and I came across a poetry scholarship. There are two kinds of writing I enjoy, writing poetry and writing movie scripts. So right away I read the prompt and decided I would complete a poem and send it in.

So I wrote the poem down on paper, it took me many rough drafts until it was final. Then I typed it on my computer and submitted it online where it’ll be judged.

Comedy was the genre I chose. I was writing about my dog Otis who at times can be a terror, obnoxious, and yes annoying. If you could meet him you would understand completely. He chases my younger brother around the house trying to pull his pants down. If someone walks through the door and you give them a hug Otis is up on his back legs hugging whoever you are hugging. If there is something up one the counter that has your attention and he who is curious will literally jump up on the counter to see what is more important than him. Let me tell you this, he is not a small dog by any means, he happens to be a seventy-five pound golden retriever. So why did I choose comedy to describe him? Because every day he makes me laugh and I hope by writing about him will makes the readers laugh when they read my poem.

My audience is the people grading my paper, but since I will not know how they reacted towards my poem until October I will inform you how my family reacted to it. My dad and mom laughed because they knew that how I described him was exactly how he was in real life. My brother’s reaction in his own words, “I can’t believe you wrote a poem about Otis.” I think that’s just because Otis runs after him all the time pulling his pants down and maybe he doesn’t realize how special he really is to our family.

My purpose in writing about my dog was for people to understand how much love and joy he has brought to our family. Everyone knows that dog is man’s best friend and I just wanted to put it in writing and show that Otis is truly my best friend. I also wanted to tell everyone how wild and crazy he gets at times and even though he may chew a towel or someone’s socks or even just grab someone’s belonging from their room to get their attention to play with him we still love and appreciate him. I felt writing a poem about him would be the perfect way to accomplish my purpose and I have to say I think I was right.

As far as the culture in my house, Otis was raised with no rules, which could very well be the cause of his behavior. It’s also a proven fact that dogs take the personality of their owners, I must say this, I never realized how crazy we were until he came into our lives.

Using “Rhetorical Situation” is different for me in this case because I was trying to entertain my readers, whereas, normally I want to keep them interested in what I am writing but not necessarily entertain them. Also I was trying to inform them on how my dog behaves on a daily basis.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

In the News #1

I think the olympic pool being deeper than normal was unfair in a sense that people before the 2008 olympics worked so hard to set the records that they did. If it is true that the pool being deeper than normal makes it easier to swim, I think the records should be swept clean because they had an advantage to setting records, whereas the other olympic record holders worked harder to achieve the records they set before the 2008 olympics.

As far as the Chinese girls in gymnasics, they couldn't have been any older than twelve years old. I don't understand how they can get away with cheating like that. All our girls from the United States were older than sixteen and same with every other country. So why do they have girls underage competing in the olympics and how are they able to get away with it?