Wednesday, September 24, 2008

1. Syfers describes wives duties as doing the house work, such as cooking dinner and cleaning the house. Taking care of the children, making sure they got to school, caring for them when they are sick. She wanted a wife to keep track of her schedule as well as her children’s schedule. For the most part I think these duties are still done by women today. Although I do think men are starting to take on a bigger role within the family. I think that men have really stepped up around the house and with the children. They help with the cleaning such as doing the dishes. They also cook and help with the kids, giving them baths and putting them to bed.

2. I would describe Syfers writing style as repetitive. She is continuously repeats herself when she talks about house work and her children. I would try not to repeat myself so much and get readers to sympathize for me and the rest of the housewives.

3. Nowadays I see that it is expected for women to not only have a career but also to take care of the family and clean the house. Personally I think men benefit from injustice in the world today. Even though they work and are typically the bread winners they don’t do most of the chores women do around the house and they don’t play as big of a role with raising the children.

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