Monday, September 15, 2008

This I Believe- Rough Draft

What is love? How do you know when you are in love? Or when someone is in love with you? How are you supposed to know if someone is “the one” for you? I cannot give you the answers to these questions and I don’t think many people can, but I can tell you my opinion and what it feels like to be in love. For me love is almost impossible to explain. In my eyes love is having trust in the one you love, and knowing that you are in love when you cannot live without them. It is such a wonderful feeling that everyone should be able to experience.
I remember the day I met my first and only love. Come to think of it that day almost never happened and I just look back and thank God. It was a Wednesday, November 7, 2007 to be exact. That night was a special night for seniors only, “Senior Movie Night” a tradition at Saint Thomas Aquinas where I attended high school. But that morning we were in lock down because there was a murderer on the loose running around the school campus. It looked as if senior movie night was to be cancelled but just before school ended the police caught the killer and the senior class was thrilled. I thought nothing of it at the time, but now I just thank God. I thank God for that night, the night I met my boyfriend, Cory.
It was a cool night; all the seniors were coming in with pillows, blankets, sleeping bags, chairs, and even a couch. My best friend Courtney and I already had our stuff set up. She played a huge part in hooking Cory and I up together. But she is not the reason I met him. I knew Cory’s best friend Steven because we went to the basketball games junior year and that’s where I met him. So Steven came up to give me a hug, while Cory followed him with a huge plate of food. Little did I know that Cory knew my best friend, which was good for me because she was the middle man between the two of us. I would tell her things that I thought about him and she would tell him even though I asked her not to, but I can’t say that I’m mad at her for that. At the end of the night he leaned over and asked me for my number. I couldn’t resist his amazing body and heartwarming smile. So I of course said yes and immediately asked him for his number.
Over the next few days we talked a lot. We found out that we had a lot in common. For example, he played baseball and I played softball, we were both centerfielders, and we both were number two. We each had a younger brother and they were the same age. Family is extremely important to the two of us. From talking to him for a couple of days, I knew that I wanted to go out on a date with him but there was a problem. Cory traveled on weekends to play baseball up until Thanksgiving. So until then we ate breakfast together in the morning before school and talked at night over the phone. I thought the day would never come when he asked me out on a date. But he did and we had our first date on December 1, 2007. He had a really nice evening planned for the two of us, dinner and a movie. He told me he was going to take me out to dinner at Cheesecake Factory and then we would go see the movie awake. It was a nice night despite the bad food and not so great movie. The night ended early but it would only be a week before we went on another date. This date was special, December 8, 2007. He asked me to come over his house to meet his family and celebrate his grandfather’s birthday with him and his family. It wasn’t just immediate family; there was grandma and grandpa, mom and dad, aunts and uncles, siblings and cousins. So as I pulled up in front of his house he was there waiting for me with his baby cousin Emily in his arms. I walked up to him and gave him a hug and he said to me before we go inside I want to make it official, “will you be my girlfriend?” he asked me. I said yes, and we proceeded inside to meet his family.
It has been over nine months since that night and every day I find myself loving him more and more with each passing day. I believe our love was meant to be.


k_ropa89 said...

That's a really nice story. i really like it, i can tell that in the 1th paragraph you repeat alot love try to change that, but the rest its really cool and its amazing how you remember all the dates! thats awesome.
I really like your topic "believe in love" and you're right its something really hard to discribe but i think your experince with your boyfriend gives you alot to talk about.
Am really impress! i really like it.

Anonymous said...

You used alot of personal experiences and I think that you should explain more about how these experiences caused you to feel loved. I liked how you used specific dates because that helps readers better understand what's going on. I think you should elaborate more on how love makes you feel and why you think you are in love. But other than that I think that it was a well organized essay with lots of details.

dr.mason said...

I think your first paragraph points out some of the difficulties in writing about love. It's difficult to explain, and what you end up relating are details about your relationship that don't really get to what love is. Of course, this is not meant to be a definition essay, but an essay about belief, so defining love is not necessary. But your first paragraph sets up an expectation that may not be fulfilled in the rest of the essay.

The bigger issue here is trying to imagine how a reader on the "This I Believe" essay would respond (or consider whether you could imagine your essay being read on the radio, which is where the better This I Believe essays end up). The best essays offer something to readers that they can take with them. They defend beliefs that readers can identify or disagree with because they are beliefs that are not merely personal; they provide readers insights into how people's beliefs are shaped by their experiences. As the textbook says, they pass the "So what?" test by offering the reader something meaningful that they can take with them and which adds to their understanding of the world and their lives.

So, I think the challenge for you is to find within your experience of finding Cory some truth that is more generalizable, something that readers can relate to and appreciate without knowing either of you. You don't want to simply report about your relationship, but use it to promote your own understanding of life.