Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Questions for my essay

1. Do you believe in euthanasia? Why or why not? If yes, which kind of euthanasia do you believe in?
2. In the controversy of euthanasia, why do you think it should or should not be legal? How much does religion play a factor in legalizing euthanasia
3. Why is it ok to euthanize an aniamal who cannot tell us wether they want to live or die, but we can’t euthanize a human being who gives their consent?
4. If euthanasia was leagal, when would it be ok to euthanize someone?
5. What don’t you like about my essay? What needs to be changed?
6. What else could I talk about in my essay?
7. When is it and when is it not ok to perform euthanasia?
8. How do you like the way I ended my essay?


blog 4 comp 1000 said...

1. yes i do believe in euthanasia, but only in the voluntary one.
2. i believe it should be legal because people should have the choice of and freedom of deciding to die without pain. it should not be looked at as suicide because they are not choosing to die, they just want to die without pain.
3. i do not have an answer to that.
4. when they are dying, and in pain.
5. you should re-read it, you have a few misspelled mistakes, and also the first paragraph seems a little run on.
6. you could add about euthanasia by action, thats a debatable topic. also add some examples in your essay.
8. its good because i agree with you, and you also have a few questions in it asking the reader what they seems to think.

k_ropa89 said...

1.Yes. I do believe in euthanasia, because everybody has the right to give an opinion of what they want to do with their life. I do agree with voluntary euthanasia, because if it was me, the one with that horrible pain, I would not like to have that pain for the rest of my life or for the couple hours that I’ll have left.
2. I do agree with euthanasia but I don’t agree with make it legal. Just because I do believe that God is the one; the one who has to decide when is the right time to go or to stay. Religion has a lot to do with this, not only because what I believe, but also with what believe. Religion always tell us that God put us in this life to deal with different things, so who is medicine to decide if we die or we life?
3. I do not agree that with that at all! Animals have the same right as we do. Maybe they don’t have the way of communication that we do, but you know that animals are God’s creation as well and they deserve to live juts like we do. So if they do euthanasia in animals why not, do it on humans as well. If not just don’t do it in general.
4. I think it would be ok to do it. Just in the moment when the doctors or whoever is looking at the person see that it’s nothing left to do. But always putting family opinion and the person whose suffering first.
5. I really like your essay; it puts points across, explains everything, and has really good details about everything.
6. I would like to see your opinion in the essay. That’s all the rest is really good you don’t have to add nothing else.
7. I like the way you finish your essay, because you let the reader a question that it’s true, but it’s not being useful in this topic. So you let us think about it, and kind of have a reflection about the problem.
8. It’s kind of the same answer in number 4, but I don’t think it would be right to do it if the person that is the patient don’t ask for it,