Monday, September 8, 2008

Journal Entry #2

I chose an essay about children and another essay about love. I chose these two topics because I am lucky enough to have already found love and one day I hope to lucky enough to have children. When I read the introduction on the essay about children, I could picture myself being the mother two those children. The second essay was about love. So if I could have any two things in life one would be having somebody to love and the other one would be being a mother to a child.
A mother tells a story about the hardships she has overcome. From 9/11 to a friend committing suicide, and her father being diagnosed with cancer. But when she was down and couldn’t lift her spirits her children were there for her. They told her she looked like a movie star and that simple comment could lift someone’s spirits just like it lifted hers. The second essay was about love, love for a four month old baby girl. She was diagnosed with cystic fibroses shortly after birth. This story is about hard times and the blindness of what the future holds. Not knowing how much longer you will have with your daughter. She cherishes everyday she can spend with her and looks forward to the terrible two’s because that means that her daughter lived to be two. She looks forward to her teen years because it means she can share more love with her daughter.
These essays are similar because they both show the effect children have on us and how much love one person can feel for another. You will have happy moments in life and there will be sad moments in life. These essays don’t really differ. They both deal with sufferings but love is what gets them through the hard times.
The essay on love followed the guidelines by “This I believe”. It was short to the point, positive, and it told a touching story. The essay on children was not very positive. It was depressing throughout the essay. But it really makes you think; well how lucky could I be to have two beautiful boys who love me and a trusting husband.
For project one I would like to write about love. Love is so many different things, it’s getting hurt, being happy, trusting others, and compromising. When you find love you can’t experience anything better. The way it makes you feel and the way you feel for someone else is indescribable.


k_ropa89 said...

i love the essays that u pick!! they are really cool and i really identify myself with the one talking about love and i feel the same way u do! no about the kid lol but one day i would probably change my mind who knows.

blog 4 comp 1000 said...

The essays you chose were truthful and had a lot of emotions behind them. They were written from the heart and with passion. I agree with you because many people look for love and never find it, so for some it is an amazing thing to have. As well as having children, there are couples that can not conceive kids of there own and can never have that feeling of growing up kids of their own.

Basball Player said...

I think the essays that you chose have true meaning to you, and I like how you were able to express your emotions in the journal entry. I am in total agreement that love can overcome all evil and hardship that a person may face in their lifetime. I also hope to have a family one day so I can relate in the sense that my children would be my primary concern and source of love in my life when that time comes along. Great job on this assignment!

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed both of the essays that you picked. One thing that you said that I agreed with was that love got them through the hard times because I do believe that no matter what, love conquers all. Writing about love was one of my topics in consideration for my "This I believe" paper so I agree with you there also.

dr.mason said...

In talking about possible topics for your own This I Believe essay, you saysomething interesting about your intended topic, love. You state:

"For project one I would like to write about love. Love is so many different things, it’s getting hurt, being happy, trusting others, and compromising. When you find love you can’t experience anything better. The way it makes you feel and the way you feel for someone else is indescribable."

At first, it might seem almost masochistic to choose to write about something that is "indescribable." But the more significant pattern here is that love seems to lend itself to hyperbole--to comparisons in which love is incomparable, to the definitions of the indefinable, and so on. But these attempts continue, despite (or because of) this elusiveness.