Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Journal #12

Jordan Joyce- Drama
Carolina Cancelado- comedy/action/horror
Craig Williams- Editorial


Many doctors are researching cell phones and how they may cause brain cancer. They say ten years of constant cell phone usage leads to brain cancer. Although they are not sure if that is true they do know that cell phones release raditation which is not good for our brains nor the rest of our body.


Video games are here to entertain us. They make us laugh and giggle at ourselves and our friends, especially when we watch them do Wii Yoga. Yes, Wii yoga. Who knew playing a video game could help you get in shape. Video games can also be suspensful such as action and horror video games. However they are also violent and can influence a teen to do something inappropriate.


Magazine editorial is an opinion based writing. They overview articles in the magazine and talk to the readers about the writing in a language they would understand. This magazine's editorial will try to persaude teenagers to see the effects of what they use everyday, such as cell phones, and video games.



Thursday, November 13, 2008

In the News

I think that GM should be saved. It is an American car company. I do not think that they should focus more on saving other companies because if GM fails all the other companies will fail as well, therefore i think that they should focus on GM. It sounds like if GM is saved all the other car companies will survive and be able to pull through. Even if GM fails I don't think the rest of the companies will fail but if we can save GM i think we should. Why let a company die when we can save it? Especially when it is an American car dealership. A lot of people only buy their cars from there because they were made here in the United States and the money is going to us not another country.

Journal #11

My group and I have brainstormed and we are going to write a magazine for teenagers. We have each come up with an idea that we will be writing about in the magazine. Carolina is going to write about video games and I will be writing about cell phones potentially causing cancer. We feel that these topics relate to teenagers more than any other generation. This magazine will be pretty much free writing. We want to write about what teens are intrested in.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

In the News

I think the first thing we must do to save jobs is stablize our economy. If the economy isn't good then we will not need workers because few people are buying goods and products, which means we don't need extra people to work, because we don't have the money to pay them. Once our economy is stable more people will be willing to hire employees because they know people are willing to spend their money.
Another idea that may help people get jobs is to offer better benefits. Because if people have benefits they won't worry about not havign enough money when an emergency arises. they would be more willing to spend their money rather than save it for an emergency. This could have caused our economy to drop.
Possibly bringing the troops home from Iraq. Instead of all our money going to the war overseas it could be spent right here in the United States. Which would give us money to spend and be able to hire people and pay them. I'm sure there are many other reasons to why we cannot hire people right now and what we could do to make it better. But why isn't it getting any better?

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Euthanasia Revised Draft

What is euthanasia? Well “eu” comes from the Greek language that means “good” and “thanatos” means death. It is the intentional killing of a human being for his or her benefit. There is a lot of controversy when it comes to euthanasia and not just for euthanizing a human being. Is it legal? Should it be legal? To what extent is it ok to euthanize and human?
There are only two kinds of euthanasia that are legal. Non-voluntary euthanasia which is when a person is killed and made no request or was gave no consent. For example, a person is on life support and a loved one makes the decision to take them off of life support is non-voluntary euthanasia. The second type of euthanasia that is legal is euthanasia by action; this is intentionally killing a person by giving them a lethal injection. This type of euthanasia is most common for people on death row. So now that you know which types of euthanasia are legal, should they be?
Euthanasia is a very controversial subject. Some people believe that no matter what euthanasia should not be legal, while others believe it should be. People who are against euthanasia are generally firm believers in God and think that he is the only one who should be able to decide when the life of someone should be taken. Those who believe euthanasia should be legal usually do so because of the death penalty. It is the first thing that comes to their mind and say, “If that person took the life of an innocent person, theirs should be taken too” or “an eye for an eye.” Along with that they also say stuff like, “It’s cheaper to kill someone than to keep them alive for the rest of their lives.” That is a false statement; it is cheaper to keep someone alive for the rest of their life than to kill them. Well now that you know why humans believe or don’t believe in euthanasia when it comes to humans, what about animals?
It’s legal to euthanize a horse, dog, cat, and any other type of animal, but when it comes to euthanizing a human being it’s a big controversial issue. We don’t let our animals suffer. If the horse has a broken leg, if the dog or cat has cancer, we put them down. We do not let them suffer. We cannot stand to see them in pain. But we sit back and watch our loved ones die in agony, some of the most painful deaths. I’m not saying make every type of euthanasia legal, but we let our pets have a peaceful death, shouldn’t our loved ones too?
I think there is only one type of euthanasia that should be legal. Voluntary euthanasia is when the person who was killed has requested to be killed. It should only be done if the person has been told that they do not have much time left to live, they are in excruciating pain, and the doctor feels that they are competent enough to make their own decision. If the patient does not fit into all of these reasons euthanasia should be out of the question. As far as non-voluntary euthanasia, I do not believe in it because you are taking a life without their consent. I think the only person in the world who can decide when to take a life is God and on the extreme occasion of being terminally ill, a person should be able to decide whether they want to live or die. I don’t believe euthanasia by action is appropriate either. Yes, they committed a brutal crime and they should be punished for it, but not by taking their life even if they took another person’s life. I don’t believe you’re doing any good by taking their life; you’re probably just putting them out of their misery but not letting them sit in jail for the rest of their lives. Besides if it is cheaper to keep them alive, why not? Why go and spend money to kill them when it’s cheaper to keep them alive?
Personally I think people need to research the facts instead of just saying, “Kill somebody that should definitely be illegal.” People jump to conclusions not knowing the facts. I think it’s a simple decision after reading about euthanasia. If it’s not voluntary euthanasia, its murder.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

In the News

Presidential Election

I believe Obama won this election because he advertised more and got his name out there. He also has a very good cause. I think Obama was more popular than McCain because he is a young African American who grew up poor, he was raised by his grandmother, and he can releate to a lot of people. To me the biggest difference in this election was our economy and the fact that we are at war. Everyone wanted to know what the Presidential candidates were going to do about the stock market and if we are going to stay over seas or come home. I believe Obama got so much support from young voters because so many of us are in college and he promises that for low income students he will make college more affordable.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Journal #10

act: people are tanning in the sun or in tanning booths.

actor: people at all ages tan

scene: people tan at the beach and the pool. (probably the most common) Also you will find people tanning in tanning salons, which have become very popular lately.

agency: tanning bed are used as well as the sun.

purpose: people tan themselves because it is the new look. they believe being tan is being pretty.